Publications: 352 items (source: Researchgate)

International refereed JOURNALS

Journals list:
  • Acta Physica Polonica
  • Applied Physic Letters
  • Brazilian Journal of Physics
  • CERN
  • European Physical Journal A
  • IEEE Access
  • Journal of High Energy Physics
  • Journal of Instrumentation
  • Journal of Physics G
  • Nature
  • Nature Physics
  • New Journal of Physics
  • Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
  • Nuclear Physics
  • Nuclear Physics B
  • Physical Review A
  • Physical Review D
  • Physical Review Letters
  • Physics Instrumentation and Detectors
  • Physics Letters B
  • Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics
  • Review of Scientific Instruments
  • Transactions on Industrial Electronics
  • Transactions on Nuclear Science
  • Transactions on Power Electronics
  • Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Science


G.Bertuccio, A.Fazzi, A.Geraci, M.Sampietro,
“An optimum digital signal processing for radiation spectroscopy” ,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A353, pp. 257-260, 1994 (ISI:A1994QB88800064).



M.Sampietro, G.Bertuccio, A.Geraci, A.Fazzi,
A digital system for ‘optimum’ resolution in X-ray spectroscopy,
Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 66, No.2, 1995 (ISI:A1995QK98000004).

    A.Geraci, E.Gatti,
“Optimum filters for charge measurements in presence of 1/f current noise”,

Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A361, pp. 277-289, 1995 (ISI:A1995RH16900034).
    S.Longhi, A.Geraci,
Modulational instability oscillation and solitary waves in a nonlinear dispersive cavity with parametric gain”,
Applied Physic Letters Vol. 67, No.21, 20 November 1995 (ISI:A1995TF57400003).
    M.Sampietro, A.Geraci, A.Fazzi, P.Lechner,
“Advanced experimental application of a digital signal processor in high resolution x-ray spectroscopy”,
Review of Scientific Instruments Vol. 66, No.11, 1995 (ISI:A1995TE62300051).

A.Geraci, M.Zambusi, G.Ripamonti,
A comparative study of the energy resolution achievable with digital signal processors in x-ray spectroscopy”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.43, No.2, April 1996 (ISI:A1996UJ08000003).

    A.Geraci and S.Longhi,
“Swift Hohenberg equation for Optical Parametric Oscillators”

Physical Review A, Vol.54, No.5, November 1996 (ISI:A1996VT67300108).
    E.Gatti, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
“Automatic synthesis of optimum filters with arbitrary constraints and noises: a new method”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A381, pp.117-127, 1996 (ISI:A1996VU09600017).

“Asymmetrical optimum filters for charge measurements in presence of 1/f current noise”
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A386, pp.487-491, 1997 (ISI:A1997WT22700027).

    E.Gatti, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
“Lorentzian noise spectral density: optimum filter“
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A385, pp.561-562, 1997 (ISI:A1997WJ77200027).
    E.Gatti, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
“Optimum filter for 1/f current noise smoothed-to-white at low frequency“,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A394, pp.268-270, 1997 (ISI:A1997XU63800035).
    E.Gatti, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
"Optimum time-limited filters for input signals of arbitrary shape“
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A395, pp.226-230, 1997 (ISI:A1997XV83600011).
    G.Ripamonti and A.Geraci,
“Towards real time digital pulse processing based on least mean squares algorithms“
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A400, pp.447-455, 1997 (ISI:A1997YK07900023).

A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti, A.Pullia
“An automatic initialization procedure for real-time digital radiation spectrometry”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A403, pp.455-464, 1998 (ISI:000071806600019).

    S. Longhi, A.Geraci
“Roll-hexagon transition in an active optical system”

Physical Review A, Vol. 57, No. 4, April 1998 (ISI:000073243700006).
    E.Gatti, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti
“Optimum filters from experimentally measured noise in high resolution nuclear spectroscopy”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A417, pp.131-136, 1998 (ISI:000076870300012).
    E.Gatti, A.Geraci, C.Guazzoni
Multiple read-out of signals in presence of arbitrary noises: optimum filters
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A417, pp.342-353, 1998 (ISI:000076960200014).

A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti
“A new on-line digital solution for event timing setups”
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A422, pp.337-340, 1999 (ISI:000078868800068).

    A.Geraci, A.Pullia, G.Ripamonti
“Automatic Pole-Zero / Zero-Pole digital compensator for high-resolution spectroscopy: design and experiments”
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 46 4 1, Aug.. 1999, pages 817-821 (ISI:000082565200006).

A.Castoldi, E.Gatti, A.Geraci, C.Guazzoni, A.Longoni
“Non-destructive repetitive readout in high resolution silicon detectors”
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 47, Aug.2000, pages 1346-1352 (ISI:000089576200011).

    A.Pullia, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
“Quasi-optimum X and g spectroscopy based on real-time digital techniques”,

Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 439 (2000) pp. 378-384 (ISI:000084654100023).
    A.Geraci, A. Di Odoardo, S. Riboldi, G. Ripamonti
Adaptive Digital Spectroscopy in Programmable Logic”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume: 47 6 , December 2000 , Page(s): 2765 –2772, (ISI:000166992400010).

E.Gatti, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti
“Timing of pulses of any shape with arbitrary constraints and noises: optimum filters synthesis method”
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A457, pp.347-355, 2001 (ISSN 01689002; ISI:000166702400032).

    E.Gatti, A.Geraci, G.Casati, S.Riboldi, G.Ripamonti
“Spatial localization of multiple simultaneous hits in segmented HPGe detectors: a new algorithm”
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A458, pp.738-744, 2001 (ISSN 01689002; ISI:000167040900014).
    R.M.Lieder, W.Gast, H.M.Jager, L.Mihailesca, M.Rossewia, J.Eberth, G.Pascovici, H.G.Thomas, D.Weisshaar, F.Beck, D.Curien, G.Duchene, E.Pachoud, I.Piqueras, C.Rossi Alvarez, D.Bazzacco, M.Bellato, Th.Kroell,Ch. Manea, B. Quintana, R. Venturelli, D.R. Napoli, D. Rosso, P. Spolaore, A.Geraci, A.Pullia, G.Ripamonti, F.Camera, B.Million, 0.Wieland, J.Lisle, A.G.Smith, R.Well, P.Nolan, A.Boston, D.Cullen, M.Descovich, T.Enqvist, B.Cederwall, E.Ideguchi, J.van der Marel, J.Nyberg, B.Herskind, G.Sletten, J.Wilson, R.Henckm, D.Gutknecht and K.Jaaskelainen,
The TMR network project "Development of gamma-ray tracking   detectors" ”,
Nuclear Physics A, Vol. 682, February 2001, pp. 279C-285C (ISI:000167202500038).
    R.M.Lieder, W.Gast, H.M.Jager, L.Mihailesca, M.Rossewia, J.Eberth, G.Pascovici, H.G.Thomas, D.Weisshaar, F.Beck, D.Curien, G.Duchene, E.Pachoud, I.Piqueras, C.Rossi Alvarez, D.Bazzacco, M.Bellato, Th.Kroell,Ch. Manea, B. Quintana, R. Venturelli, D.R. Napoli, D. Rosso, P. Spolaore, A.Geraci, A.Pullia, G.Ripamonti, F.Camera, B.Million, 0.Wieland, J.Lisle, A.G.Smith, R.Well, P.Nolan, A.Boston, D.Cullen, M.Descovich, T.Enqvist, B.Cederwall, E.Ideguchi, J.van der Marel, J.Nyberg, B.Herskind, G.Sletten, J.Wilson, R.Henckm, D.Gutknecht and K.Jaaskelainen,
"Development of gamma-ray tracking detectors"
Acta Physica Polonica, Vol. 32, No.9, 2001, pp. 2395-2401.
    O.Wieland, F. Camera, B. Million, A. Bracco, M. Pignanelli, G.Ripamonti, A. Geraci, J. Van der Marel
"Efficiency of Segmented HPGe Detectors: Design Criteria for Pulse Shape Analysis",
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science Vol. 48, No.3, June 2001.
    R. M. Lieder, W. Gast, H. M. Jaeger, L. Mihailescu, M. Rossewij, J. Eberth, G. Pascovici, H. G. Thomas, D. Weisshaar, F. Beck, D. Curien, G. Duchene, E. Pachoud, I. Piqueras, C. Rossi Alvarez, D. Bazzacco, M. Bellato, Th. Kroell, Ch. Manea, B. Quintana, R. Venturelli, D. R. Napoli, D. Rosso, P. Spolaore, Geraci A., A. Pullia, G. Ripamonti, F. Camera, S. Leoni, B. Million, O. Wieland, A. Bracco, M. Pignanelli, S. Brambilla, J. Lisle, A. G. Smith, R. Well, P. Nolan, A. Boston, D. Cullen, M. Descovich, T. Enqvist, B. Cederwall, E. Ideguchi, J. Van Der Marel, J. Nyberg, B. Herskind, G. Sletten, J. Wilson, R. Henck, D. Gutknecht, K. Jaaskelainen,
Gamma ray tracking arrays”,
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, Vol. 46, 2001, pp. 399-407.

A.Geraci, I.Rech, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti
"Shared baseline restoration at minimum noise for high resolution spectroscopy”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A482/1-2, pp. 441-448, 2002.

    S.Riboldi, A.Geraci, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti
“A new digital auto-tracking pole-zero compensation technique for high-resolution spectroscopy”,

Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A482/1-2, pp.475-490, 2002.
    A. Di Odoardo, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti, M. Seminari
A fully digital architecture for trigger circuits in programmable logic,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.49, No. 6, December, 2002, pp. 3314-3321.

O.Wieland, Th.Kroell, D.Bazzacco, R.Venturelli, F.Camera, B.Million, E.Musso, B.Quintana, C.A.Ur, M.Bellato, R.Isocrate, Ch.Manea, R.Menegazzo, P.Pavan, C.Rossi Alvarez, E.Farnea, A.Gadea, D.Rosso, P.Spolaore, A.Pullia, G.Casati, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti, M. Descovich,
Gamma-ray Tracking with Segmented HPGe Detectors”,
Brazilian Journal of Physics, vol. 33, no. 2, June, 2003, pp.206-210.


S.Saggini, M.Ghioni, A.Geraci
An innovative digital control architecture for low-voltage, high-current DC/DC converters with tight voltage regulation”,
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Vol.19, No.1, January 2004, pp. 210-218.

    IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics Prize Paper for 2004 for the paper
“An innovative digital control architecture for low-voltage, high-current DC/DC converters with tight voltage regulation”
    E. Gatti, A. Geraci, S. Riboldi, G.Ripamonti
“Digital Penalized LMS method for filter synthesis with arbitrary constraints and noise”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Vol. A, Vol. 523/1-2 pp. 167-185, 2004.
    R. Abbiati, A. Di Odoardo, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
A programmable A/D sigma-delta converter for pulse digital processing setups”,
IEEE Transactions on  Nuclear Science,Volume: 51, Issue: 3, June 2004, Pages: 1270 – 1276.
    E. Gatti, A. Geraci,
Considerations about Ramo’s theorem extension to conductor media with variable dielectric constant”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 525, Issue: 3, June 11, 2004, pp. 623-625.
    Th. Kroell, D. Bazzacco, R. Venturelli, B. Quintana Arnes, C.A. Ur, M. Bellato, R. Isocrate, Ch. Manea, R. Menegazzo, P. Pavan, C. Rossi Alvarez, E. Farnea, A. Gadea, D. Rosso, P. Spolaore, F. Camera, B. Million, E . Musso, A. Pullia, O. Wieland, G. Casati, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti, and M. Descovich,
“Gamma-ray tracking with the MARS detector”,
The European Physical Journal A20, Apr. 2004, ISSN:1434-6001, 1434-601X, DOI: 10.1140/epja/i2002-10355-6, pp.205-206.
    R. Abbiati, A Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
“Self-configuring digital processors for on-line pulse analysis”
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume: 51, Issue: 3 , June 2004, Pages:826 - 830.

R. Abbiati, E. Gatti, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
A new digital estimation technique for baseline restoration”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 548, June 2005, pp.507-516.

    S. Riboldi, R. Abbiati, A. Geraci, E. Gatti,
Experimental Comparison of State-of-the-art Methods for Digital Optimum Filter Synthesis with Arbitrary Constraints and Noise”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 52, Issue 4, Aug. 2005 Page(s):954 – 958.
    R. Abbiati, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
A New Filter Concept Yielding Improved Resolution and Throughput in Radiation Detection System”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 52, Issue 4, Aug. 2005 Page(s):950 – 953.
    R. Abbiati, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
Analog shaping optimization for digital processing of radiation detector signals”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 52, Issue 5, Part 3, Oct. 2005 Page(s):1638 – 1642.
    A. Restelli, R. Abbiati, A. Geraci,
Digital field programmable gate array-based lock-in amplifier for high-performance photon counting applications”,
Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.76, Number 9, September 2005, pp.93112 093112-8.

A.Geraci, R.Abbiati, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti,
New signal conditioning architecture for optimal A/D conversion in digital spectrosopy setups”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 53,  Issue 3,  Part 3,  June 2006 Page(s):1264 – 1269.

    R.Abbiati, L.Bertossi, A.Geraci, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti,
High-resolution digital on-line linear procedure for timing of detected events”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 53, Issue 3, Part 3, June 2006 Page(s):1270 – 1274.
    R.Abbiati, S.Scarpaci, A.Geraci, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti,
“A New Statistical Approach for Digital Triggering of Events from Radiation Detectors”
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 53, Issue 4, Part 2, August 2006 Page(s): 2463 – 2469.
    C.Guazzoni, E.Gatti, A.Geraci,
Impact of the "non-destructive"’ multiple-readout on the Lorentzian noise”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 568, 2006, pp.329-335.
    R.Abbiati, A.Geraci, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti,
Application of a Digital Technique for Timing of Events from Scintillation Detectors”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 53, No. 6, December 2006 Page(s): 3850 – 3854.

R.Abbiati, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
A weighted least mean squares linear algorithm for energy and occurrence time measurement of pulses”,
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 54, No. 3, June 2007 Page(s): 629 – 634.


Th. Kroell, D. Bazzacco, R. Venturelli, M. Nespolo, B. Quintana Arnés, C. A. Ur, M. Bellato, R. Isocrate, Ch. Manea, R. Menegazzo, P. Pavan, C. Rossi Alvarez, E. Farnea, A. Gadea, D. Rosso, P. Spolaore, F. Camera, B. Million, E. Musso, A. Pullia, O. Wieland, G. Casati, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti, M. Descovich,
In-beam experiment with the -ray tracking detector MARS”,
Elsevier - Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, Vol. 586, 2008, pp. 421–431.


D. Resnati, I. Rech, and A. Geraci,
"High-linearity analog-to-digital acquisition board for photon-timing applications",
Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 064706, 2008, pp. 064706-1 - 064706-7.


A. Abba, A. Manenti, F. Caponio, A. Geraci
"High Performance Analog Front-End for Digital Spectroscopy"
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Volume 57, No. 4, August 2010 Page(s): 2173-2177.

    G.Ripamonti, A.Abba, A.Geraci
"High frequency, high time resolution time-to-digital converter employing passive resonant circuits"
Review of Scientific Instruments, 81, 054705, 2010, pp. 054705-1 - 054705-7.
    A. Manenti, A.Merati, A. Abba, A. Geraci, S. M. Savaresi,
"A New BMS Architecture Based on Cell Redundancy"
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 58, no. 9, September 2011, pp. 4314-4322.

Al., A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti, et al.,
"AGATA—Advanced GAmma Tracking Array",
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment Volume 668, 11 March 2012, Pages 26-58.

    A. Abba, C. Fiorini, A. Geraci,
"Digital System for Acquisition and Processing of Detected Images"
    C. Fiorini, P. Busca, R. Peloso, A. Abba, A. Geraci, C. Bianchi, G. L. Poli, G. Virotta, K. Erlandsson, B .F. Hutton,
P. Lechner, H. Soltau, L. Strüder, A. Pedretti, P. Van Mullekom, L. Ottobrini, G. Lucignani
"The HICAM Gamma Camera"
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, VOL. 59, NO. 3, June 2012, pp. 537-544.
    A. Abba, A. Geraci,
"Dynamic Maximization of Filter Length in Digital Spectroscopy"
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.59-5, Oct. 2012, pp. 2451 – 2456.
    G.Ripamonti, A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci,
Adaptive Filters for Digital Spectroscopy with Gaussian Peaks Preservation, Enhanced Rate and Low Frequency Noise Rejection"
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, Vol.59-5, pp. 2451 – 2456, Oct. 2012.
    G Ripamonti, F Caponio,
"Method for picosecond time interval measurements based on frequency-switching sinusoidal shape"
Electronics Letters 49 (13), pp. 813-815.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci),
"LHCb Particle Identification Upgrade: Technical Design Report",
CERN/LHCC 2013-022 LHCb TDR 14, November 28, 2013, pp. 1 128.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci),
"LHCb VELO Upgrade: Technical Design Report",
CERN/LHCC 2013-021 LHCb TDR 13, November 29, 2013, pp. 1 120.
    A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci,
Digital Configurable Instrument for Emulation of Signals from Radiation Detectors”,
Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 85, Issue 1, January 2014.
    A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, M. Citterio, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci, P. Marino, M.J. Morello, N. Neri, G. Punzi, A. Piucci, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli
"A Specialized Processor for Track Reconstruction at the LHC Crossing Rate"
JINST - Journal of Instrumentation, Vol.9, doi:10.1088/1748-0221/9/09/C09001, September 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of CP violation in the phase space of charmless three-body B decays"
Phys. Rev. D 90, 112004 – Published 11 December 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Abba, F. Caponio)
"Study of beauty hadron decays into pairs of charm hadrons"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 202001 – Published 21 May 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (F. Caponio)
"Evidence for the decay B+c→J/ψ3π+2π−
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 1405 (2014) 148.
    LHCb Collaboration (F. Caponio)
"Observation of Photon Polarization in the b→sγ Transition"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 161801 – Published 22 April 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (F. Caponio)
"Precision measurement of the ratio of the Λ0b to B¯¯¯0 lifetimes"
Physics Letters B, Vol. 734, 27 June 2014, Pages 122–130.
    LHCb Collaboration (F. Caponio)
"Measurement of the resonant and CP components in B¯¯¯0→J/ψπ+π− decays"

Phys. Rev. D 90, 012003 – Published 10 July 2014.

    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Precision Measurement of the Mass and Lifetime of the Sigma_b_minus Baryon"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 242002 – Published 9 December 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the CKM angle γ using B ± → DK ± with D → K S  0  π + π −, K S  0  K + K − decays"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 1410 (2014) 97.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Search for CP violation using T-odd correlations in D 0 → K + K −π+π− decays"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 1410 (2014) 5.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"First Observation of a Baryonic B + c  Decay"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 152003 – Published 10 October 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the B¯0−B0 and B¯0s−B0s production asymmetries in pp collisions at s√=7 TeV"
Physics Letters B 739 (2014). 218–228.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Dalitz plot analysis of B0s→D¯0K−π+ decays"
Phys. Rev. D 90, 072003 – Published 14 October 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Observation of B0s→K*+-K-+and evidence for B0s→K*-π+ decays"
New J. Phys. 16 123001.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Observation of overlapping spin-1 and spin-3 D¯0K− resonances at mass 2.86 GeV/c2"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 162001 – Published 14 October 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of CP violation and constraints on the CKM angle γ in B±→DK± with D→K0Sπ+π− decays"

Nuclear Physics B, Vol. 888, November 2014, Pages 169–193.

    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Observation of charmonium pairs produced exclusively in pp collisions"
J. Phys. G: Nucl. Part. Phys. 41 (2014) 115002 (17pp).
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Precision luminosity measurements at LHCb"
JINST - Journal of Instrumentation 9 (2014) 12005.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Effective lifetime measurements in the B0s→K+K−,B0→K+π− and B0s→π+K− decays"
Physics Letters B, Vol. 736, 7 September 2014, Pages 446–454
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the χb(3P) mass and of the relative rate of χb1(1P) and χb2(1P) production"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 1410 (2014) 88.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the CP-violating phase ϕs in B¯0s→D+sD−s decays"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 211801 – Published 20 November 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Precision Measurement of the Mass and Lifetime of the Ξ−b Baryon"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 113, 242002 – Published 9 December 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Abba, F. Caponio)
"Measurement of polarization amplitudes and CP asymmetries in B0→ϕK*(892)0"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 1405 (2014) 069.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Abba)
"Study of beauty hadron decays into pairs of charm hadrons"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 202001 – Published 21 May 2014.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Search for the lepton flavour violating decay τ−→μ−μ+μ−"

JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 1502 (2015) 121.

    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the semileptonic CP asymmetry in B0−B¯¯¯0 mixing"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 041601 – Published 28 January 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of B+c production in proton-proton collisions at s√=8 TeV"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 132001 – Published 2 April 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Precision measurement of CP violation in B0s→J/ψK+K− decays"
Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 041801 – Published 30 January 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the Z+b-jet cross-section in pp collisions at s√=7TeV in the forward region"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 01 (2015) 064.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the CP-violating phase β in B0→J/ψπ+π− decays and limits on penguin effects"
Physics Letters B 742 (2015) 38–49.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the lifetime of the B+c meson using the B+c→J/ψπ+ decay mode"
Physics Letters B 742 (2015) 29–37.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the inelastic pp cross-section at a centre-of-mass energy of s√=7 TeV"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 02 (2015) 129.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Search for long-lived particles decaying to jet pairs"
Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:152.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"LHCb Detector Performance"
International Journal of Modern Physics A, Volume 30, Issue 07, 10 March 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Study of the rare B0s and B0 decays into the π+π−μ+μ− final state"

Physics Letters B 743 (2015) 46–55.

    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Determination of the branching fractions of B0s→D-+sK+- and B0→D−sK+"

JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 05 (2015) 019.

    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the ηc(1S) production cross-section in proton-proton collisions via the decay ηc(1S)→pp¯"
The European Physical Journal C, Volume 75, Issue 7, pp.311-322, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Determination of gamma and -2beta_s from charmless two-body decays of beauty mesons"
Physics Letters B, Vol. 741, 4 February 2015, Pages 1–11.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Search for CP violation in D0→π−π+π0 decays with the energy test"
Physics Letters B, Vol. 740, 5 January 2015, Pages 158–167.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Study of η−η′ mixing from measurement of B0(s)→J/ψη(′) decay rates"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 01(2015)024.
    A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, M. Citterio, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci, P. Marino, M.J. Morello, N. Neri, G. Punzi A. Piucci, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli
"The artificial retina processor for track reconstruction at the LHC crossing rate"
JINST - Journal of Instrumentation, 10 C03018 doi:10.1088/1748-0221/10/03/C03018, Published 16 March 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the ηc(1S) production cross-section in proton-proton collisions via the decay ηc(1S)→pp¯"
Eur. Phys. J. C (2015) 75:311.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Observation of two new Ξ−b baryon resonances"
Phys. Rev. Lett., 114, 062004 – Published 10 February 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Angular analysis of the B0→K*0e+e- in the low-q2 region"

JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, , 2015:64.

    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Determination of the quark coupling strength |Vub| using baryonic decays"
Nature Physics, Volume 11pagespp. 743–747, 27 July 2015 (doi:10.1038/nphys3415 )
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Observation of the rare B0s→μ+μ− decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data"
Nature, Volume 522, pp. 68-72, 4 June 2015 (doi:10.1038/nature14474).
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Study of W boson production in association with beauty and charm"

Phys. Rev. D, Volume 92, Issue 5, 8 September 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Search for the Λ0b→Λη′ and Λ0b→Λη decays with the LHCb detector"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, September 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Dalitz plot analysis of B0→D¯¯¯0 π+π− decays"
Phys. Rev. D., Volume 92, Issue 3, 7 August 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Search for the decay B0s→D¯¯¯0f0(980)"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, eptember 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Amplitude analysis of B0→D¯0K+π− decays"
Phys. Rev. D., Volume 92, Issue 1, 20 July 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Identification of beauty and charm quark jets at LHCb"
JINST - Journal of Instrumentation, Volume 10, June 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Quantum numbers of the X(3872) state and orbital angular momentum in its ρ0J/ψ decays"
Phys. Rev. D., Volume 92, Issue 1, 30 July 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"A study of CP violation in B-+→Dh-+ (h=K,π) with the modes D→K-+π±π0, D→π+π−π0 and D→K+K−π0"
Phys. Rev. D.,Volume 91, Issue 11, 26 June 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Determination of the quark coupling strength |Vub| using baryonic decays"
Nature Physics, Volume 11, pp.743-747, 2015 (doi:10.1038/nphys3415).
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"First observation and measurement of the branching fraction for the decay B0s->D*-+sK+-"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, JUne 18, 2015
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Observation of the B0→ρ0ρ0 decay from an amplitude analysis of B0→(π+π−)(π+π−) decays"
Physics Letters B, Volume 747, pp. 468–478, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Observation of the B0s→η′η′ decay"
Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 115, Issue 5, July 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Differential branching fraction and angular analysis of Λ0b→Λ0μ+μ− decays"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 06, Issue 115, 2015,
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Observation of the decay B¯¯¯0s→ψ(2S)K+π−"
Physics Letters B, Volume 747, Pages 484–4945, 30 July 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of CP violation in B0→J/ψK0S decays"
Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 115, Issue 3, 17 July 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the time-dependent CP asymmetries in B0s→J/ψK0S"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 6, Issue 131, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of CP asymmetries and polarisation fractions in B0s->K*0K-*0 decays"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 7, Issue 166, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"First observation and amplitude analysis of the B−→D+K−π− decay"
Phys. Rev. D., Volume 91, Issue 9, 1 May 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of forward Z→e+e− production at s√=8 TeV"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 5, Issue 109, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Precise measurements of the properties of the B1(5721)0,+ and B*2(5747)0,+ states and observation of B+,0π−,+ mass structures"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 4, Issue 24, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of indirect CP asymmetries in D0→K−K+ and D0→π−π+ decays using semileptonic B decays"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 4, Issue 43, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the forward Z  boson production cross-section in pp  collisions at s  √ =7  TeV"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 8, Issue 39, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Study of B − →DK − π + π −   and B − →Dπ − π + π −   decays and determination of the CKM angle γ"
Phys. Rev. D. Vol. 92, 112005, 17 December 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Measurement of the exclusive Υ production cross-section in pp collisions at s  √ =7  TeV and 8 TeV"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 9, Issue 84, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"First observation of top quark production in the forward region"
Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 115, Issue 11, 11 September 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci)
"Search for long-lived heavy charged particles using a ring imaging Cherenkov technique at LHCb"
Eur. Phys. J. C., Volume 75, Issue 12, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci, N. Lusardi)
"Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(B ¯ 0 ->D * + τ ν ¯   τ )/B(B ¯ 0 ->D* + μ ν ¯ μ )"
Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 115, Issue 11, 11 September 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci, N. Lusardi)
"Angular analysis and differential branching fraction of the decay B 0 s →ϕμ + μ −"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, Volume 9, Issue 179, 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci, N. Lusardi)
"Observation of J/ψp Resonances Consistent with Pentaquark States in Λ 0 b   → J/ψK −  p Decays"
Phys. Rev. Lett., Volume 115, Issue 7, 14 August 2015.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci, N. Lusardi)
"Measurement of the branching fraction ratio B(B + c →ψ(2S)π + )/B(B + c →J/ψπ + )"
Phys. Rev. D., Volume 92, Issue 7, 2015.
    A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, F. Caponio, R. Cenci, M. Citterio, A. Cusimano, J. Fu, A. Geraci, M. Grizzuti, N. Lusardi, P. Marino, M.J. Morello, N. Neri, D. Ninci, M. Petruzzo, A. Piucci, G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli, J. Walsh
"An “artificial retina” processor for track reconstruction at the full LHC crossing rate"
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, Vol. 824, 11 July 2016, Pages 260–262.
    A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, F. Caponio, R. Cenci, M. Citterio, S. Coelli, J. Fu, A. Geraci, M. Grizzuti, N. Lusardi, P. Marino, M. Monti, M. J. Morello, N. Neri, D. Ninci, M. Petruzzo, A. Piucci, G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli, J. Walsh
"Real time tracking with a silicon telescope prototype using the “artificial retina” algorithm"
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, Vol. 824, 11 July 2016, Pages 343–345.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci, N. Lusardi)
"Observation of the B0s →J/ψϕϕ decay"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 1603, 040, 2016.
    LHCb Collaboration (A. Geraci, N. Lusardi)
"First observation of the decay Bs0 → KS0K*(892)0 at LHCb"
JHEP - Journal of High Energy Physics, 1601, 012, 2016.

A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, M. Citterio, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci, P.Marino, M.J.Morello, N.Neri, G.Punzi, A.Piucci, L.Ristori, F.Spinella, S.Stracka, D.Tonelli
The artificial retina for track reconstruction at the LHC crossing rate"
Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings, Vol. 273–275, 2016, Pages 2488-2490, doi: 10.1016/j.nuclphysbps.2015.09.434
    N. Lusardi, J. W. N. Los, R. B. M. Gourgues, G. Bulgarini, and   A. Geraci
"Photon counting with photon number resolution through superconducting nanowires coupled to a multi-channel TDC in FPGA"
Review of Scientific Instruments 88, 035003 (2017); doi:
    E. Venialgo, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci, S.E. Brunner, D.R. Schaart, E. Charbon
"Towards a full-flexible and fast-prototyping TOF-PET block detector based on TDC-on-FPGA
IEEE Transactions on Radiation and Plasma Medical Sciences, 5 October 2018, doi: 10.1109/TRPMS.2018.2874358

N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci
"The role of sub-interpolation for delay-line time-to-digital converters in FPGA devices
Nuclear Instruments and Methods A, Vol. 916, February 2019, Pages 204–214. doi: 10.1016/j.nima.2018.11.100

    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci
"Digital instrument with configurable hardware and firmware for multi-channels time measures
Review of Scientific Instruments, Vol.90, Issue 5, May 2019, doi: 10.1063/1.5028131
    F. Garzetti, N. Corna, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
Time-to-Digital Converter IP-Core for FPGA at State of the Art
IEEE Access, Vol.9, June 2021, Pages 85515-85528, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3088448

N. Corna, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
Digital Instrument for Time Measurements: Small, Portable, High Performance, Fully-Programmable"
IEEE Access, Vol.9, August 2021, Pages 123964-123976, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3109155

N. Lusardi, N. Corna,  F. Garzetti, S.Salgaro, A. Geraci
"Cross-Talk Issues in Time Measurements"
IEEE Access, Vol.9, September 2021, Pages 129303-129318, doi:
    E. Ronconi, N. Corna, A. Costa, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
Multi-COBS: a novel algorithm for byte stuffing at high throughput
IEEE Access, July 2022, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3194265

A. Costa, N. Corna, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, E. Ronconi, A. Geraci
High-Performance Computing of Real-Time and Multichannel Histograms: A Full FPGA Approach
IEEE Access, Vol.10, April 2022, Pages 47524 - 47540, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3169760

N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Costa, M. Cautero, N. Corna, E. Ronconi, G. Brajnik, L. Stebel, R. Sergo, G. Cautero, S. Carrato, A. Geraci
"High-Resolution Imager Based on Time-to-Space Conversion"
doi: 10.1109/TIM.2022.3198442

F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, E. Ronconi, A. Costa, S. Tarrago Velez, C. Galland, A. Geraci
Assessment of the Bundle SNSPD Plus FPGA-Based TDC for High-Performance Time Measurements"
IEEE Access, Vol.10, December 2022, Pages 127894 - 127910, doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3227462

V. D’Andrea, S. Riboldi, A. Geraci, N. Burlac, F. Salamida
Optimum filter synthesis with DPLMS method for energy reconstruction"
The European Physical Journal C, Vol. 83, Article number: 149, 2023, doi: 10.1140/epjc/s10052-023-11299-z

A. Costa, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, E. Ronconi,  S. Maffessanti, C. Danilevski, D. Lomidze, M. Turcato, M. Porro, A. Geraci
A Study of the Latest Updates of the DAQ Firmware for the DSSC Camera at the European XFEL"
IEEE Access, Vol. 11, 07 August 2023, pp. 84323 – 84335, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3302400

N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, E. Ronconi, A. Costa, A. Geraci
"From Multiphase to Novel Single-Phase Multichannel Shift-Clock Fast CounterTime-to-Digital Converter"
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Vol. 71, Issue 8, August 2024, pp. 9886-9894, DOI: 10.1109/TIE.2023.3322007.

Fabio Garzetti, Gabriele Bonanno, Nicola Lusardi *, Enrico Ronconi, Andrea Costa, Angelo Geraci
New High-Rate Timestamps Management with Real-Time Configurable Virtual Delay and Dead-Time for FPGA-Based Time-to-Digital Converters"
Electronics 2024, 13, 1124, DOI: 10.3390/electronics13061124.

Marco Cautero, Fabio Garzetti, Nicola Lusardi *, Rudi Sergo, Luigi Stebel, Andrea Costa, Gabriele Bonanno, Enrico Ronconi, Angelo Geraci, Igor Pis, Elena Magnano, Maddalena Pedio, Giuseppe Cautero
High Spatial Resolution Detector System Based on a Reconfigurable Dual-FPGA Approach for Coincidence Measurements"
Sensors 2024, 24(16), 5233; - 13 Aug 2024

M. Morabito, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, G. Fiumicelli, G. Bonanno, E. Ronconi, A. Costa, A. Geraci
Optimal Implementation of Tapped Delay Line Time-to-Digital  Converters in 20 nm Xilinx UltraScale FPGAs"
Electronics 2024, 13, 4888.


Proceedings of International CONFERENCES

  • Conferences list:

    • Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications – ANIMMA
    • Associazione Società Italiana di Elettronica - SIE
    • Denver X-Ray Conference
    • Digital Power Forum – DPF
    • European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry -EXRS
    • European Solid-State Device Research Conference  ESSDERC
    • European Signal Processing Conference – EUSIPCO
    • Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms  – ERSA
    • European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry - EXRS
    • European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors   ESSD
    • High Spin Physics NATO Advanced Research Workshop
    • IEEE Electrical  Power Quality and Utilization Conference – EPQU
    • IEEE Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference   IMTC
    • IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium  NSS
    • IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference – PESC
    • IEEE Power Electronics Technology Conference
    • IEEE Real-Time Conference
    • International Signal Processing Conference  ISPC
    • International Conference on High Energy Physics
    • International convention on information and communication technology, electronics and microelectronics – MIPRO
    • Real Time Conference – RTS
    • Structure of the Nucleus at the dawn of the century
    • Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics -TIPP
    • Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle PhysicsTWEPP
    • World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control – IFAC

    A.Geraci, M.Zambusi, G.Ripamonti,
    “Performance comparison of near-optimum digital pulse processors in high resolution x-ray spectroscopy”
    Proc. of  the 1995 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 21-28,1995, San Francisco, USA, Volume: 1 , 1995 , Page(s): 1 -4 vol.1 (0-7803-3180-X/96$5.00(c)1996IEEE).


    G.Ripamonti, A.Geraci,
    “ Fast least mean squares method for time determination and pileup rejection in high resolution spectroscopy”
    Proc. of the 1996 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 2-9,1996, Anaheim, California, USA, Volume: 1 , 1996 , Page(s): 474 -477 vol.1 (0-7803-3534-1/97 10.00 (c)1997IEEE).

        A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti, A.Pullia,
    “Self-calibration and self-optimization in DSP-based high resolution spectroscopy systems”
    Proc. of the 1996 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 2-9,1996, Anaheim, California, USA, Volume: 1, Page(s): 478 -482 vol.1 (0-7803-3534-1/97 10.00 (c)1997 IEEE).

    E.Gatti, A.Longoni, G. De Geronimo, A.Geraci
    “A new numerical method for determining the excess noise power spectrum in MOSFETs“
    Proc. of the 27th European Solid-State Device Research Conference - ESSDERC’97, H. Grunbacher ed., Editions Frontieres, France, 1997. ISBN 2-86332-221-4.    

        A.Pullia, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti
    “On filed determination of the minimum-noise filter for digital radiation spectrometer”
    Proc. of  the 1997 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 2-9, 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, Page(s): 722 -725 vol.1 (0-7803-4261-5/98/$10.00 (c)1988 IEEE).
        A.Geraci, A.Pullia, G.Ripamonti
    “Shaping the quantization noise in high resolution digital spectroscopy: theory and experiments”
    Proc. of  the 1997 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 2-9, 1997, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, Page(s): 18 –21 vol.1  (0-7803-4261-5/98/$10.00 (c)1988 IEEE).

    G.Ripamonti, A.Pullia, A.Geraci,
    “Digital vs. analogue spectroscopy: a comparative analysis”,
    Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, St. Paul, Minnesota, May 18‑21,1998 -  IMTC/98. Conference Proceedings IEEE Volume: 1 , 1998 , Page(s): 666 -669 vol.1 (0-7803-4797-8/98/$10  1998 IEEE).                           

        A.Pullia, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
    “Quasi-optimum X and gamma spectroscopy based on real-time digital techniques”,
    Proc. of the 1998 European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors, Schloß Elmau, Germany, June 14-17, 1998.

    A.Geraci, A.Pullia, G.Ripamonti
    “Automatic Pole-Zero / Zero-Pole digital compensator for high-resolution spectroscopy: design and experiments”
    1998 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 8-14, 1998, Toronto, Canada, Page(s): 891 -895 vol.2.


    G.Ripamonti, A.Pullia, A.Geraci,
    "Measurement requirements and front-end design rules for gamma-ray tracking in large-volume germanium detectors through pulse shape analysis",
    Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference, Venice, Italy, 1999 -  IMTC/99. Proceedings of the 16th IEEE  Volume: 3, Page(s): 1916 -1920 vol.3.

        E.Gatti, G.Casati, A.Geraci, A.Pullia, G.Ripamonti,
    "A pulse-shape analysis approach to 3-D position determination in large-volume HPGe detectors",
    1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Seattle, Washington, october 23-30, 1999, Volume: 1, Page(s): 346 -351 vol.1 (ISBN 0-7803-5696-9).
        A.Castoldi, E.Gatti, A.Geraci, C.Guazzoni, A.Longoni,
    "Design and analysis of non-destructive multiple readout in high resolution silicon detectors"
    1999 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Seattle, Washington, october 23-30, 1999.

    A.Geraci, S.Riboldi, G.Ripamonti
    “Fixed-point DSP timing of pulses based on a high-precision division technique”
    EUSIPCO 2000 - X European Signal Processing Conference, Tampere, Finland,  September 5-8, 2000.

        E. Gatti, G. Casati, A. Geraci, S. Riboldi, G. Ripamonti, F. Camera, B. Million
    “An algorithm for 3-D localization of multiple pulses in large-volume segmented HPGe detectors”
    2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Lyon, France, October 15-20, 2000.
        O. Wieland, F. Camera, B. Million, A. Bracco, M. Pignanelli, G. Ripamonti, A. Geraci, J. Van der Marel
    Efficiency of segmented HPGe gamma-ray detectors: design criteria for pulse shape analysis”,
    2000 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Lyon, France, October 15-20, 2000.
        Th. Kroell, D. Bazzacco, R. Venturelli, B. Quintana Arnes, M. Bellato, C. Rossi Alvarez, E. Farnea, A. Gadea, P. Spolaore, F. Fanzago, D. R. Napoli, Zs. Podolyak, F. Camera, B. Million, A. Pullia, O. Wieland, A. Geraci,
    “MARS – a novel gamma-ray detector array”
    Proceedings of the "Structure of the Nucleus at the dawn of the century", Bologna, Italy, May 29 - June 3, 2000.

    R.M.Lieder, W.Gast, H.M.Jager, L.Mihailesca, M.Rossewia, J.Eberth, G.Pascovici, H.G.Thomas, D.Weisshaar, F.Beck, D.Curien, G.Duchene, E.Pachoud, I.Piqueras, C.Rossi Alvarez, D.Bazzacco, M.Bellato, Th.Kroell,Ch. Manea, B. Quintana, R. Venturelli, D.R. Napoli, D. Rosso, P. Spolaore, A.Geraci, A.Pullia, G.Ripamonti, F.Camera, B.Million, 0.Wieland, J.Lisle, A.G.Smith, R.Well, P.Nolan, A.Boston, D.Cullen, M.Descovich, T.Enqvist, B.Cederwall, E.Ideguchi, J.van der Marel, J.Nyberg, B.Herskind, G.Sletten, J.Wilson, R.Henckm, D.Gutknecht and K.Jaaskelainen,
    "Development of gamma-ray tracking detectors",
    Proc. of High Spin Physics 2001 NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Warsaw, Poland, February 6-10, 2001.

          A. Di Odoardo, A. Geraci, S. Riboldi, G.Ripamonti
    A self-adaptive IIR  pole-zero compensator in FPGA”,
    Proc. of ERSA 2001 – Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 25-28, 2001.
        A. Di Odoardo, A. Geraci, G.Ripamonti
    Dynamically reconfigurable architectures for on-line digital pulse analysis”,
    Proc. of 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, November 4-10, 2001.
        A.Geraci, E. Gatti, G. Ripamonti,
    “A new class of optimum filters with complete rejection of periodic noise disturbances: theory and implementation”,
    Proc. of 2001 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, San Diego, California, USA, November 4-10, 2001.

    Th. Kröll, D. Bazzacco, R. Venturelli, B. Quintana, C. A. Ur, M. Bellato, R. Isocrate, Ch. Manea, R. Menegazzo, P. Pavan, C. Rossi Alvarez, E. Farnea, A. Gadea, D. Rosso, P. Spolaore, F. Camera, B. Million, E. Musso, A. Pullia, O. Wieland, G. Casati, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti and M. Descovichk,
    “Gamma-ray tracking with the MARS detector”
    Conference on Frontiers of Nuclear Structure, Berkeley, California July 29th - August 2nd, 2002 UC Berkeley, Clark Kerr Campus.

        R. Abbiati, S. Riboldi, A Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
    “A new method for LMS synthesis of optimum FIR filters with arbitrary time and frequency constraints and noises”
    Proc. of 2002 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, November 10-16, 2002.

    R. Abbiati, A. Di Odoardo, A Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
    "Pulse digital processing based on a customisable analog-to-digital Sigma-Delta converter”
    Proc. of 2003 International Signal Processing Conference, Dallas, Texas, March 31 - April 3, 2003.

        S.Saggini, M.Ghioni, A.Geraci,
    A low-complexity high-performance digital control architecture for Voltage Regulator Modules”,
    Power Electronics Specialists Conference - PESC 2003, Acapulco, Mexico, June 15-19, 2003.
        R. Abbiati, A Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
    “Self-configuring digital processors for on-line pulse analysis”,
    Proc. of 2003 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Portland, Oregon, USA, October 19-25, 2003.

    S. Saggini, G. Garcea, A. Geraci, M. Ghioni,
    Mixed synchronous asynchronous digital control architecture for Voltage Regulator Modules”,
    Proc. of the 2004 Digital Power Forum-DPF 04, San Jose, California, USA, September 13-15, 2004.

        R. Abbiati, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
    A New Filter Concept Yielding Improved Resolution and Throughput in Radiation Detection System”,
    Proc. of 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Rome, Italy, October 16-22, 2004.
        R. Abbiati, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
    Analog Shaping Optimization for Digital Processing of Radiation Detector Signal”,
    Proc. of 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Rome, Italy, October 16-22, 2004.
        S. Riboldi, R. Abbiati, A. Geraci, E. Gatti,
    Experimental Comparison of State-of-the-art Methods for Digital Optimum Filter Synthesis with Arbitrary Constraints and Noise”,
    Proc. of 2004 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, Rome, Italy, October 16-22, 2004.
        G. Garcea, S. Saggini, C. Porta, A. Geraci, M. Ghioni,
    An Innovative Digital Controller for VRM Application with Negligible Quantization Effects
    Proc. of Power Electronics Technology Conference. November 16-18, 2004, Chicago, IL, USA.

    R.Abbiati, S.Scarpaci, A.Geraci, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti,
    A new statistical approach for digital triggering of events from radiation detectors”,
    2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23 - 29, 2005, Wyndham El Conquistador Resort, Puerto Rico.

        A.Geraci, R.Abbiati, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti,
    New signal conditioning architecture for optimal A/D conversion in digital spectrosopy setups”,
    Proc. of IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23 - 29, 2005, Wyndham El Conquistador Resort, Puerto Rico.
        M.Buffa, R.Abbiati, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
    Configurable digital data system for simulation and processing of detected events”,
    Proc. of 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23 - 29, 2005, Wyndham El Conquistador Resort, Puerto Rico.
        R.Abbiati, L.Bertossi, A.Geraci, E.Gatti, G.Ripamonti,
    High-resolution digital on-line linear procedure for timing of detected events”,
    Proc. of 2005 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23 - 29, 2005, Wyndham El Conquistador Resort, Puerto Rico.
        E.Gatti, A.Geraci, C.Guazzoni,
    Impact of the Lorentzian noise on "non-destructive" multiple-readout”,
    Proc. of the 10th European Symposium on Semiconductor Detectors, Wielbad Kreuth, June12-16, 2005.

    R. Abbiati, S. Brambilla, F. Camera, A.Geraci, B.Million, S.Scarpaci,
    A Configurable Digital Processor for Scintillation Detector Events”,
    Proc. of 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29 – November 4, 2006, San Diego, California, USA.

        R.Abbiati, S.Scarpaci, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
    Configurable Digital Emulator of Radiation Sources”,
    Proc. of 2006 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29 – November 4, 2006, San Diego, California, USA.

    L. Fortunato, A. Geraci, A. Ondini, P. Pagani,
    Sistema configurabile per l’elaborazione del segnale in applicazioni IRST”,
    Ministero della Difesa - Segretariato generale della difesa e direzione nazionale degli armamenti - V reparto ricerca tecnologica - IV Simposio sulle Tecnologie Avanzate – Nuovi Orizzonti Teorici e Applicativi, Roma 21/22 Giugno 2007.

          G. Balzarotti, L. Fortunato, A. Geraci, A. Ondini, P. Pagani,
    Unità di Signal Processing del segnale IR (InfraRosso) su hardware riconfigurabile basato su FPGA di ultima generazione per applicazioni navali e avioniche
    Ministero della Difesa - Segretariato generale della difesa e direzione nazionale degli armamenti - V reparto ricerca tecnologica - IV Simposio sulle Tecnologie Avanzate – Nuovi Orizzonti Teorici e Applicativi, Roma 21/22 Giugno 2007.
        S.Brambilla, F.Camera, M.Cuccarese, A.Geraci, B.Million, S.Riboldi, M.Sassi, S.Scarpaci,
    Digital Adaptive Timing and Energy Measurement of BaF2 and LaBr3 Scintillator Events”,
    Proc. of 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 – November 3, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
        A.Suardi, R.Abbiati, A.Geraci, S.Scarpaci,
    Double precision FIR filtering for high resolution digital spectroscopy in programmable logic”,
    Proc. of 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 – November 3, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
        S.Scarpaci, A.Suardi, A.Geraci,G.Ripamonti,
    High performance firmware architecture for FIR filtering in DSP processors”,
    Proc. of 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 – November 3, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
        S.Riboldi, A.Pullia, F.Camera, S.Brambilla, A.Geraci, E.Gatti,
    Optimum synthesis of FIR filters with arbitrary time and frequency constraints for energy and time estimations in case of pulse correlated noise”,
    Proc. of 2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 – November 3, 2007, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.
        A.Suardi, A.Manenti, A.Abba, A.Geraci,
    “A High Performance Double Precision Reduction Circuit Implementation in FPGA”,
    Proc. of the ERSA 2008 – Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, June 14-17, 2008.
        A.Abba, A.Manenti, A.Suardi, C.Fiorini, A.Geraci,
    “An efficient algorithm for spatial localization of multiple events from detector arrays in FPGA devices”,
    Proc. of 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 19-25, 2008, Dresden, Germany.
        C. Fiorini, A. Gola, R. Peloso, A.Geraci, A. Longoni, G. Padovini, P. Lechner, L. Strüder, B. F. Hutton, K. Erlandsson, S. Mahmood, P. Van Mullekom, A. Pedretti, R. Moretti, G.L. Poli, G. Lucignani,
    “HICAM: development of a high-resolution Anger Camera for Nuclear Medicine”,
    Proc. of 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 19-25, 2008, Dresden, Germany.
        S.Scarpaci, S.Brambilla, F.Camera, A.Geraci, B.Million, S.Riboldi, M.Cuccarese, S.Caramanno,
    “Time to Digital converter implementation on a configurable digital processor for scintillation detector events”,
    Proc. of 2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 19-25, 2008, Dresden, Germany.
        A.Abba, A.Manenti, A.Suardi, S. Riboldi, A.Geraci,
    High Performance Analog Front-End for Digital Spectroscopy”,
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 25-3, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.
        A.Abba, A.Manenti, A.Suardi, C.Fiorini, A.Geraci,
    Digital Configurable Processor for Acquisition and Elaboration of Data from Detector Arrays”,
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 25-3,  2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.
        Abba, A. Manenti, A. Suardi, A.Geraci, G.Ripamonti,
    Non-Linear Least Squares Fitting in FPGA Devices for Digital Spectroscopy”,
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 25-3,  2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.
        A. Abba, M. Binda, A. Manenti, A. Suardi, A.Geraci,
    High Resolution Digital Spectroscopy Based on Multiple Interleaved ADCs”,
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 25-3,  2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.
        A.Abba, A.Manenti, A.Suardi, S. Riboldi, A.Geraci,
    Adaptive Digital Trigger Architecture in FPGA”,
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 25-3,  2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.
        A. Manenti, A. Suardi, A. Abba, A.Geraci,
    High-efficiency FPGA Based Implementation of the Conjugated Gradient Method”,
    Proc. of the ERSA 2009 – Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009.
        A. Abba, A. Manenti, A. Suardi, A.Geraci,
    Implementation of the Gauss-Newton algorithm for non-linear least-mean-squares fitting in FPGA devices”,
    Proc. of the ERSA 2009 – Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 13-16, 2009.

    S. Pedemonte, A. Gola, A. Abba, C. Fiorini,
    "Optimum real-time reconstruction of Gamma events for high resolution Anger camera with the use of GPGPU"
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 25-3,  2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.


    C.Fiorini, P.Busca, A.Gola, R.Peloso, A.Abba, A.Geraci, A.Longoni, G.Padovini, H.Soltau, B.F.Hutton, K.Erlandsson, C.Bianchi, G.L.Poli, A.Pedretti, F.Perotti,
    "First Results of the HICAM Anger Camera",
    Proc. of 2009 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 25-3,  2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.


    F. Caponio, F. Arlati, M. D. Santambrogio, A. Abba, A. Manenti, A. Geraci
    "Audio Source Localization Using Multi-Microphone Techniques",
    Proc. of The Junior Scientist Conference 2010, April 7-9, 2010, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.

        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Merati, F. Guerrieri, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti
    "A Novel algorithm for pulse amplitude modulation for digital emulation of radioactive sources"
    Proc. of 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 30 - November 6, 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. p. 1251.
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Merati,  A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti
    "Implementation of High Efficiency Non-Linear Least Squares in FPGA Devices for Digital Spectroscopy"
    Proc. of 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 30 - November 6, 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
        A. Abba, A. Geraci
    "Configurable Digital Multi-Channel Processor for Emulation and Elaboration of Radiation Events"
    Proc. of 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 30 - November 6, 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, p. 145.
        R. Peloso, P. Busca, C. Fiorini, A. Abba, A. Geraci, A. Manenti, C. Bianchi, G.L. Poli, B.F. Hutton, K. Erlandsson, P. Lechner, H. Soltau, L. Strüder, A. Pedretti, P. Van Mullekom
    "The HICAM gamma camera"
    Proc. of 2010 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 30 - November 6, 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
        P. Busca, C. Fiorini, R. Peloso, A. Gola, A. Abba, C. Bianchi, G.L. Poli, U. Guerra, B.F. Hutton, K. Erlandsson, L. Ottobrini, C. Martelli, G. Lucignani
    "Applications of the HICAM gamma camera"
    Proc. of 2010 IEEE Medical Imaging Conference, October 30 - November 6, 2010, Knoxville, Tennessee, USA.
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, P. Baruzzi, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti
    "Statistical Data Generation System for Scientific Applications"
    Proc. of the ERSA 2011 – Engineering of Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, July 18-21, 2011.
        A. Manenti, A. Abba, A. Geraci, S. Savaresi
    "A New Cell Balancing Architecture for Li-ion Battery Packs Based on Cell Redundancy"
    Proc. of 18th World Congress of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), Milan, August 28 - September 2, 2011.
        G. Ripamonti, A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci
    "Adaptive Spectroscopy Digital Filters for Enhanced Rate and Gaussian Peaks Preservation"

    Proc. of 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23-29, 2011, Valencia, Spain.
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti
    "Design and test equipment of digital processors for output analysis from radiation detectors"

    Proc. of 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23-29, 2011, Valencia, Spain.
        A. Abba, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti
    "Digital adaptive filtering for resolution and live-time maximization"
    Proc. of 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23-29, 2011, Valencia, Spain.
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti
    "Experimental implementation of LMS synthesis of optimum FIR filters with arbitrary time and frequency constraints and noises"
    Proc. of 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23-29, 2011, Valencia, Spain.

    R. Alberti, T. Frizzi, S. Moser, A. Abba, L. Bombelli, A. Geraci
    "Re-Configurable digital pulse processor for high-rate high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy"
    Proc. of Denver X-Ray Conference, August 1-5, 2011, Colorado Springs, Colorado, USA.


    F. Caponio, A. Abba, P. Baruzzi, G. Ripamonti, A. Geraci
    "Modular and Bi-Directional Energy Storage System Compliant with Accumulators of Different Chemistry"
    Proc. of EPQU '11 – IEEE Electrical  Power Quality and Utilization Conference, 17-19 October, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal.


    R. Alberti, T. Frizzi, S. Moser, A. Abba, A. Geraci, F.Caponio, P.Baruzzi, G.Ripamonti, L.Bombelli
    "A digital pulse processor for high-rate high-resolution X and Gamma ray spectroscopy"
    Proc. of 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 23-29, 2011, Valencia, Spain.

        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti
    Digital Programmable Emulator and Analyzer of Radiation Detection Setups"
    Proc. of the IEEE Real-Time Conference, June 11-15, 2012, Berkeley, USA.
        R. Alberti, T. Frizzi, A. Abba, A. Geraci, L. Bombelli
    "Re-Configurable Digital Pulse Processor for High-Rate High-Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy"
    Proc. of European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry - EXRS, June 18-22, 2012, Vienna, Austria
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, C. Fiorini, A. Geraci
    "Towards the Integration of a Multichannel Fully Digital Acquisition System for Imaging Applications"
    Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29 - November 3, 2012, Disney Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA.
        R. Quaglia, A. Abba, L. Bombelli, P. Busca, F. Caponio, C. Fiorini, A. Geraci, R. Peloso
    "Readout Electronics and DAQ System for Silicon Drift Detector Arrays in Gamma Ray Spectroscopy Applications"
    Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29 - November 3, 2012, Disney Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA.
        C. Fiorini, R. Peloso, L. Bombelli, P. Busca, R. Quaglia, A. Geraci, P. Bellutti, M. Boscardin, F. Ficorella, G. Giacomini, A. Picciotto, C. Piemonte, N. Zorzi, N. Nelms, B. Shortt
    "Development of a Detector Based on Silicon Drift Detectors for Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy for Astronomy Applications"
    Proc. of the 2012 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29 - November 3, 2012, Disney Hotel, Anaheim, California, USA.
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci
    "Multichannel digital emulator of radiation detection system"
    Proc of ANIMMA 2013 Conference, June 23-27, 2013, Marseille, Palais des Congrés, France.
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, G. Buccheri, P. Lombardi, A. Geraci,
    Hardware Emulation of Two-Dimensional Arrays of Detectors
    Proc. of the 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 - November 2, 2013, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, C. Tintori,
    Digitally Controlled Generation of Time Correlated Pulses
    Proc. of the 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 - November 2, 2013, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, N. Lusardi,A. Geraci,
    Multichannel Digital Pulse Processor for Bi-Dimensional Detector Arrays
    Proc. of the 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 - November 2, 2013, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
        F. Caponio, A. Abba, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti,
    A New Method for Time Measurements Based on a VCO with 14 ps FWHM Resolution
    Proc. of the 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 - November 2, 2013, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
        F. Caponio, A. Abba, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci,
    A high-precision Wave Union TDC implementation in FPGA
    Proc. of the 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 - November 2, 2013, COEX, Seoul, Korea
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci,
    Implementation of USB 3.0 Bus Controller in FPGA for Data Transfer in Multi-Channel Applications
    Proc. of the 2013 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 27 - November 2, 2013, COEX, Seoul, Korea.
        F. Caponio, A. Abba, A. Geraci, A. Cusimano, C. Tintori
    Synthesizer of Signals from Radiation Detection Setups"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Real-Time Conference, May 26-30, 2014, Nara, Japan.

    F. Caponio, A. Abba, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, N. Neri, M. Citterio, M. Petruzzo, A. Cusimano, P. Marico, M. Morello, A. Piucci,
    G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Starka, D. Tonelli

    A Retina-Based Cosmic Rays Telescope"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Real-Time Conference, May 26-30, 2014, Nara, Japan.

        F. Caponio, A. Abba, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, N. Neri
    The Read-out Architecture for the Retina-Based Cosmic Ray Telescope"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Real-Time Conference, May 26-30, 2014, Nara, Japan.

    S. Brenna, A. Bonfanti, A. Abba, F. Caponio, A.L. Lacaita
    Analysis and Optimization of a SAR ADC with Attenuation Capacitor" (Best Paper Award)
    Proc. of MIPRO 2014, May 26 - 30, 2014, Opatija, Croatia

        N. Neri, A. Abba, F. Caponio, M. Citterio, S. Coelli, J. Fu, A. Geraci, M. Monti, M. Petruzzo, F. Bedeschi, P. Marino, M. J. Morello, A. Piucci, G. Punzi, F. Spinella, J. Walsh, L. Ristori, D. Tonelli
    "First prototype of a silicon tracker using an ’artificial retina’ for fast track finding"
    Proc. of Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014, 2-6 June, 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
        A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, M. Citterio, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci, P. Marino, M.J. Morello, N. Neri, G. Punzi, A. Piucci, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli
    "A Specialized Processor for Track Reconstruction at the LHC Crossing Rate"
    Proc. of Technology and Instrumentation in Particle Physics 2014, 2-6 June, 2014, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
        Andrea ABBA, Francesco CAPONIO, Marco PETRUZZO, Mauro CITTERIO, Simone COELLI, Jinlin FU, Angelo GERACI, Mauro MONTI, Nicola NERI, Franco BEDESCHI, Pietro MARINO, Michael Joseph MORELLO, Alessio PIUCCI, Giovanni PUNZI, Luciano RISTORI, Simone STRACKA, Diego TONELLI, John WALSH
    "Progress Towards the First Prototype of a Silicon Tracker Using an 'Artificial Retina' for Fast Track Finding"
    TWEPP 2014 - Topical Workshop on Electronics for Particle Physics, 22-26 September, 2014, Centre des Congrès - Aix en Provence, France
        A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, M. Citterio, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci, P. Marino, M. J. Morello, N. Neri, G. Punzi, A. Piuccic, L. Ristorice, F. Spinellac, S. Strackad and D. Tonellia
    "Simulation and performance of an artificial retina for 40 MHz track reconstruction
    Proc. of WIT 2014 Conference, Oct 27 – 29, 2014, Marina Bay Sands, Singapore
        F. Caponio, A. Abba, N. Lusardi, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci
    A Ultra-Compact and Portable Digital Pulse Processor for Gamma and X-ray Spectroscopy
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA
        A. Abba,F. Caponio, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
    Fully Programmable Emulator of Fast Events from Setups for Radiation Detection

    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
    A Digital System for Artificial Generation of Images from Radiation Detectors
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA
        N. Lusardi, A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci
    "Quantization Noise in Non-Homogeneous Calibration Table of a TCD Implemented in FPGA"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA
        A. Abba, F. Caponio, A. Geraci, N. Lusardi, N. Neri
    "Electronic Readout System for Retina-based Cosmic-ray Telescope"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA
        N. Neri, A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, F. Caponio, M. Citterio, S. Coelli, J. Fu, A. Geraci, P. Marino, M. Monti,
    M. J. Morello, M. Petruzzo, G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli, J. Walsh
    "First Prototype of a Tracking System with “Artificial Retina” for Fast Track Finding"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA

    F.Schembari, R.Quaglia, A.Abba, F.Caponio, C.Fiorini
    "Silicon-Drift-Detectors Readout IC with On-Chip 12-bit Charge-Redistribution SAR Analog-to-Digital Converter"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA

        F. Caponio, A. Abba, M. Ran, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, G. Ripamonti
    "Resolution Improvements on the novel VCO Based Time Measurements Technique"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA
        A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, F. Caponio, M. Citterio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci, F. Lionetto, P. Marino,
    M. J. Morello, N. Neri, D. Ninci, M. Petruzzo, A. Piucci, G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella,
    S. Stracka, D. Tonelli, J. Walsh
    "An Artificial Retina Processor for Track Reconstruction at the LHC Bunch-Crossing Rate"
    Proc. of the 2014 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 8-15 November, 2014, Seattle, USA
        A. Abba , F. Bedeschi, M. Citterio, F. Caponio, A. Cusimano, A. Geraci, P. Marino, M.J. Morello, N. Neri , G. Punzi, A. Piucci, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli
    "The artificial retina for track reconstruction at the LHC crossing rate"
    Proc. of the ICHEP 2014 - International Conference on High Energy Physics, 2-9 July, 2014, Valencia, Spain.
        A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, F. Caponio, R. Cenci, M. Citterio, S. Coelli, J. Fu, A. Geraci, M. Grizzuti, N. Lusardi, P. Marino, M. Monti, M. J. Morello, N. Neri, D. Ninci, M. Petruzzo, A. Piucci, G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli, J. Walsh
    "Real time tracking with a silicon telescope prototype using the "artificial retina" algorithm"
    Proc. of 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors, La Biodola (Italy), May 24-30, 2015.
        A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, F. Caponio, R. Cenci, M. Citterio, S. Coelli, J. Fu, A. Geraci, M. Grizzuti, N. Lusardi, P. Marino, M. Monti, M. J. Morello, N. Neri, D. Ninci, M. Petruzzo, A. Piucci, G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli, J. Walsh
    "First results of the silicon telescope using an “artificial retina” for fast track finding"
    Proc. of Advancements in Nuclear Instrumentation Measurement Methods and their Applications – ANIMMA, 20-24 April 2015, Lisbon, Spain.
        A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, F. Caponio, R. Cenci, M. Citterio, S. Coelli, J. Fu, A. Geraci, M. Grizzuti , N. Lusardi, P. Marino, A. Merli, M. Monti, M. J. Morello, N. Neri, D. Ninci, M. Petruzzo, A. Piucci , G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli, J. Walsh
    "Real-time tracking system using precise space and time information of the hit"

    Proc. of the 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31-November 7, 2015, San Diego, USA.

    N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
    "Eight-Channels High-Resolution TDC in FPGA"
    Proc. of the 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31-November 7, 2015, San Diego, USA.

        N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
    "Comparison of Interpolation Techniques for TDCs Implementation in FPGA"
    Proc. of the 2015 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31-November 7, 2015, San Diego, USA.
        N. Neri, M. Petruzzo, A. Merli, J. Fu, A. Abba, F. Bedeschi, F. Caponio, R. Cenci, M. Citterio, S. Coelli, A. Geraci, M. Grizzuti , N. Lusardi, P. Marino, M. Monti, M. J. Morello, D. Ninci, A. Piucci , G. Punzi, L. Ristori, F. Spinella, S. Stracka, D. Tonelli, J. Walsh
    "Testbeam results of the first real time embedded tracking system with artificial retina"
    Abstract of 14th Vienna Conference on Instrumentation, Vienna University of Technology, Feb 15-19, 2016.
        N. Lusardi, A. Palmucci, A. Geraci
    "Fully-Migratable Architecture for FPGA Devices"
    Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29-November 5, 2016, Strasbourg, France.
    DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069666
        N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, R. B. M. Gourgues, J. W.N. Los, G. Bulgarini
    "Array of Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors Resolving the Number of Photons in a Weak Optical Pulse"
    Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29-November 5, 2016, Strasbourg, France.
    DOI 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069732
        N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, G. Bulgarini, R.B.M. Gourgues, J.W.N. Los, A. Geraci
    "Single Photon Counting through Multi-Channel TDC in Programmable Logic"
    Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29-November 5, 2016, Strasbourg, France.
    DOI 10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069673
        N. Lusardi, M. Luciani, A. Geraci
    "Single-Chain 4-Channel High-Resolution Multi-hit TDC in FPGA"
    Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29-November 5, 2016, Strasbourg, France.
    DOI:  10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069682
        N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, J. Marjanovič, M. Gustin
    "High-Resolution TDL-TDC System for MTCA.4 Standard"
    Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29-November 5, 2016, Strasbourg, France.
    DOI:  10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069672
        E. Venialgo, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, Kevin O’Neill, S. Gnecchi, C. Jackson, S. B. Brunner, D. R. Schaart, E. Charbon
    "An Order-Statistics Inspired Multi-Channel Readout for Analog SiPMs"
    Proc. of the 2016 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 29-November 5, 2016, Strasbourg, France.
    DOI:  10.1109/NSSMIC.2016.8069881

    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, M. A. Cibin, R. Sury, A. Geraci
    Hardware and Software Co-Design of a System-On-Chip for Real-Time Bidirectional Transfer and Processing of Data from a Time-to-Digital Converter"
    Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 21-28, 2017, Atlanta, USA.
    DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2017.8533048.


    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci
    "Fully Programmable System for Multi-Channel Experiments Targeting to Time Measurement  at High Performance"
    Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 21-28, 2017, Atlanta, USA.
    DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2017.8532902.


    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci, J. Marjanovič, M. Gustin
    "Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converter for MTCA.4 Standard in FPGA"
    Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 21-28, 2017, Atlanta, USA.
    DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2017.8533131.

        N. Lusardi, G. Bulgarini, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci
    "FPGA-based Single Photon Counting and Timing from an Array of Superconducting Nanowire Single Photon Detectors"
    Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 21-28, 2017, Atlanta, USA.
        N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci, G. Cautero, C. Dri, P. Pittana, R. Sergo, L. Stebel
    "Development of fully FPGA-based 3D (X, Y, t) detection systems using multi-channel Tapped Delay-Line Time-to-Digital Converter with Cross Delay-Line detectors"
    Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 21-28, 2017, Atlanta, USA.
    DOI: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2017.8532862.
        E. Venialgo, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti,  A. Geraci, E. Charbon
    "A Network-Enabled  PET Detector Module Based on TDCs on FPGA"

    Proc. of the 2017 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 21-28, 2017, Atlanta, USA.
        N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, L. Gatti, A. Geraci
    "Hardware description language phase-locked loop (HDL-PLL) open architecture for FPGAs"
    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824537
        N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, R. De Marco, A. Geraci
    "Implementation Issues of a High-Performance Multi-Channel Time-to-Digital Converter in Xilinx 20-nm UltraScale FPGAs"
    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824659
        F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, L. Di Lalla, M. Gustin, A. Geraci
    "High-resolution pulse generator based on a fully programmable Digital-to-Time Converter (DTC) IP-Core"
    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824747
        N. Corna, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
    "System-on-Chip Linux-based Platform for High-Performance Time-to-Digital Conversion"
    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824415
        F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
    "All-Digital Fully-Configurable Instrument for Multi-Channel Time Measurements at High Performance"
    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824387
        F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, G. Cautero, E. Dobovicnik, C. Dri, R. Sergo, L. Stebel
    Fully FPGA-based and all-reconfigurable TDC for 3D (X, Y, t) Cross Delay-Line detectors"
    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia, doi:
        F. Villa, E. Conca, V. Sesta, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci, F. Zappa
    "SPADs and TDCs for photon-counting, timing and gated-imaging at 30 ps resolution and 60% efficiency"
    Proc. of the 2018 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 10-17, 2018, Sydney, Australia, doi: 10.1109/NSSMIC.2018.8824272

    N. Lusardi; F. Garzetti; N. Corna; A. Reale; A. Geraci; E. Dobovicnik; G. Cautero; C. Dri; R. Sergo; L. Stebel
    Advanced System in FPGA for 3D (X, Y, t) Imaging with Cross Delay-Lines"
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, Manchester, UK, doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059781

    N. Lusardi; F. Garzetti; N. Corna; R. De Marco; A. Geraci
    Very High-Performance 24-Channels Time-to-Digital Converter in Xilinx 20-nm Kintex UltraScale FPGA"
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, Manchester, UK, doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059958

    N. Corna; N. Lusardi; F. Garzetti; A. Geraci; M. Gustin
    ulti-Channel High-Resolution Pulse-Width Modulation IP-Core Implementation for FPGA and SoC Device"
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, Manchester, UK, doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059801

    F. Garzetti; S. Salgaro; E. Venialgo; N. Lusardi; N. Corna; A. Geraci; E. Charbon
    Plug-and-play TOF-PET Module Readout Based on TDC-on-FPGA and Gigabit Optical Fiber Network"
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, Manchester, UK, doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059966

    F. Garzetti; N. Lusardi; N. Corna; A. Geraci
    Synchronization in Networks of Time-to-Digital Converters based on Field Programmable Gate Arrays"
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, Manchester, UK, doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059786

    N. Corna; F. Garzetti; N. Lusardi; A. Geraci
    Complete System-on-Chip Linux-based Platform for Measurement and Generation of Time Domain Signals"
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, Manchester, UK, doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059662

    S. Salgaro; N. Corna; F. Garzetti; N. Lusardi; A. Geraci
    Time-Mode analysis of Crosstalk interference in a FPGA-based TDC implementation"
    Proc. of the 2019 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct.-2 Nov. 2019, Manchester, UK, doi: 10.1109/NSS/MIC42101.2019.9059963

    F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, N. Corna, S. Salgaro, N. Busola, A. Geraci, G. Brajnik, S. Carrato, G. Cautero, M. Cautero, R. Sergo, L. Stebel
    Fully FPGA-based 3D (X,Y,t) imaging system with Cross Delay-Lines detectors and Eight-Channels High-Performance Time-to-Digital Converter"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, N. Corna, S. Salgaro, N. Bachetti, A. Geraci
    Plug-and-Play Tunable and High-Performance Time-to-Digital Converter as IP-Core for Xilinx FPGAs"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    N. Corna, E. Ronconi, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, L. Tavazzani, A. Geraci
    High-Performance Physical-Independent Address-Based Communication Interface for FPGA in Custom Scientific Equipment"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, N. Corna, S. Salgaro, G. Meanti, A. Geraci
    Synchronization Algorithm in Time-to-Digital Converters Networks"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, N. Corna, S. Salgaro, G. Locri, A. Geraci
    Ultra-Compact and User-Customizable Instrument for Time Measurements at High-Performance"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    E. Ronconi, N. Corna, S. Salgaro, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, L. Bucci, A. Geraci
    SoC-based Architecture for General Purpose Real-Time Histogram Computation"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    N. Corna, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, S. Salgaro, K. Quinones, A. Geraci
    Programmable Delay-Line with High-Resolution Time Steps Implemented in a Digital-to-Time Converter IP-Core for FPGAs and SoCs"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    N. Lusardi, S. Salgaro, F. Garzetti, N. Corna, G. Ticozzi, A. Geraci
    FPGA-based Multi-Phase Shift-Clock Fast-Counter Time-to-Digital Converter for Extremely-Large Number of Channels"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, S. Salgaro, N. Corna, A. Costa, A. Geraci
    Fully-Configurable FPGA-Based Instrument for Multi-Channel and Multi-Histogram Time Measurements at High-Performance"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    S. Salgaro, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, N. Corna, A. Geraci, E. Charbon
    Plug-and-Play High-Speed Communication Protocol for Readout-Systems Network Based on FPGA and Gigabit Optical Fiber Network"
    Proc. of the  2020 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 31 - November 7, 2020, Boston, USA

    M.Cautero, S.Carrato, G.Brajnik, G.Cautero, R.Sergo, L.Stebel, F.Garzetti, N.Corna, N.Lusardi, A.Costa, E. Ronconi, S.Salgaro, A.Geraci
    Towards a modular 8 channels TDC design for coincidence measurements"
    Proc. of the SIE 2021, July 7-9, Trieste, Italy

    N. Lusardi, S. Salgaro, A. Costa, N. Corna, G. Garzetti, E. Ronconi, A. Geraci
    High-Channel Count FPGA-based Single-Phase Shift-Clock Fast-Counter Time-to-Digital Converter"
    Proc. of the Virtual 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 16-23, 2021

    A. Costa, N. Corna, E. Ronconi, S. Salgaro, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
    "Digital Architecture for Multi-Channel Histogram Computation in Real-Time"
    Proc. of the Virtual 2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 16-23, 2021

    E. Ronconi, F. Garzetti, N. Corna, N. Lusardi, S. Salgaro, A. Costa, A. Geraci
    "High-Performance Reconfigurable Digital Instrument for Multi–Channel Time Measurements"
    Proc. of the Virtual
    2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 16-23, 2021

    N. Corna, E. Ronconi, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, S. Salgaro, A. Costa, F. Ferraresi, A. Geraci
    Multi-Channel High-Resolution Digital-to-Time Pattern Generator IP-Core for FPGAs and SoCs

    Proc. of the Virtual
    2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 16-23, 2021

    F. Garzetti, N. Corna, N. Lusardi, A. Costa, E. Ronconi, S. Salgaro, A. Geraci, G. Brajnik, S. Carrato, G. Cautero, M. Cautero, R. Sergo, L. Stebel
    Fully FPGA-based Innovative Detection Setup for High-Resolution Time Resolved Experiments
    Proc. of the Virtual
    2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 16-23, 2021

    F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, N. Corna, E. Ronconi, A. Costa, S. Salgaro, G. Meanti, A. Geraci
    High-Performance Synchronization Algorithms for multiple Time-to-Digital Converters

    Proc. of the Virtual
    2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 16-23, 2021

    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, S. Salgaro, N. Corna, E. Ronconi, A. Costa, A. Geraci, E. Ripiccini, F. Gramuglia, T. Milanese, C. Bruschini, E. Charbon
    FPGA-based SiPM Timestamp Detection Setup for High Timing Resolution TOF-PET Application
    Proc. of the Virtual
    2021 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, October 16-23, 2021

    A. Costa, N. Corna, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, E. Ronconi, F. Cattaneo, A. Geraci, M. Cautero, S. Carrato, G. Brajnik, L. Stebel, R. Sergo, G. Cautero
    Novel High-Resolution Fully FPGA-based Detection Setup for High-Transfer Rate Time-Resolved Experiments"
    Proc. of the  2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 5-12, 2022, Milano, Italy

    C. Muscari Tomajoli, F. Garzetti, N. Corna, E. Ronconi, A. Costa, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci
    USB 3.0 High-Transfer Rate Time-Tagging Module for High-Performance FPGA-based Time-to-Digital Converter"
    Proc. of the  2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 5-12, 2022, Milano, Italy

    N. Corna, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Costa, E. Ronconi, M. Cattaneo, A. Geraci
    High-Resolution Programmable Delay Line IP-Core based on Digital-to-Time Converter for FPGAs"
    Proc. of the  2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 5-12, 2022, Milano, Italy

    F. Garzetti, A. Costa, E. Ronconi, N. Lusardi, N. Corna, G. Bonanno, A. Geraci
    High-Rate Handling Solution for Multiple Channels FPGA-Based Time-to-Digital Converters"
    Proc. of the  2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 5-12, 2022, Milano, Italy

    F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Costa, E. Ronconi, N. Corna, J. A. Florentino Collado, A. Geraci
    FPGA real-time Synchronization Algorithm for multiple picoseconds-precision Time-to-Digital Converters"
    Proc. of the  2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 5-12, 2022, Milano, Italy

    E. Ronconi, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Costa, N. Corna, L. Bernasconi, A. Geraci
    Timestamp and Amplitude Measurement Solution for Radiation Detectors"
    Proc. of the  2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 5-12, 2022, Milano, Italy

    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, A. Costa, E. Ronconi, N. Corna, M. Consonni, A. Geraci
    Compact DSP-based Time-to-Digital Converter IP-Core for Xilinx 7-Series"
    Proc. of the  2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 5-12, 2022, Milano, Italy

    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, E. Ronconi, N. Corna, A. Costa, M. Consonni, A. Geraci
    High-Performance Time-to-Digital Converter IP-Core for Xilinx Ultrascale/Ultrascale+ FPGAs
    Proc. of the  2022 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, November 5-12, 2022, Milano, Italy

    A. Costa, E. Ronconi, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, G. Bonanno, A. Geraci

    Fully FPGA-based Compact Pulse-Width-Modulated Tunable Threshold Comparator Circuit for Time-to-Digital Converters

    Proc. of the  2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 4-11 November, 2023, Vancouver, Canada

    F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Costa, E. Ronconi, G. Bonanno, A. Geraci

    Design and Implementation of a High-Performance FPGA-based Digital Instrument for Multi-Channel Time Measurements

    Proc. of the  2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 4-11 November, 2023, Vancouver, Canada

    E. Ronconi, A. Costa, N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, G. Bonanno, G. Fiumicelli, M. Deren, A. Geraci

    Scalable Time Measurement System based on Multi-FPGA Architecture

    Proc. of the  2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 4-11 November, 2023, Vancouver, Canada

    N. Lusardi, F. Garzetti, E. Ronconi, A. Costa, G. Bonanno, L. Bernasconi, A. Geraci

    A Comparison of Voltage-Mode and Time-Based Timing and Energy Read-Out Circuits

    Proc. of the  2023 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 4-11 November, 2023, Vancouver, Canada


    F. Garzetti, G. Bonanno, G. Brajnik, S. Carrato, M. Cautero, G. Cautero, A. Costa, G. Fiumicelli, A. Geraci, N. Lusardi, M. Morabito, E. Ronconi, R. Sergo, L. Stebel

    16-Channel High-Precision FPGA-Based Detection Setup for High-Speed Time-Resolved Applications

    Proc. of the  2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct – 2 Nov, 2024, Tampa, Florida, USA

    N. Lusardi, M. Antonelli, F. Arfelli, G. Biasiol, G. Bonanno, G. Brajnik, S. Carrato, M. Cautero, G. Cautero, A. Costa, D. Curcio, S. Dal Zilio, F. Driussi, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci, V. Harutyunyan, R. Menk, P. Palestri, A. Pilotto, E. Ronconi, L. Sbuelz, R. Sergo, L. Stebel

    Time-Resolved 3D Imaging with Capacitively Coupled GaAs SAM-APD and Cross-Delay Lines for Hard X-Ray Photon Detection

    Proc. of the  2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct – 2 Nov, 2024, Tampa, Florida, USA

    C. Riboldi, I. D'Adda, A. Forgione, M. Piroddi, G. Borghi, A. Saporito, M. Carminati, F. Garzetti, N. Lusardi, A. Geraci, C. Fiorini

    Design of a DAQ for a Modular Detector for Dose Monitoring in Hadrontherapy

    Proc. of the  2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct – 2 Nov, 2024, Tampa, Florida, USA

    A. Costa, G. Bonanno, C. Danilevski, F. Garzetti, A. Geraci, K. Hansen, D. Lomidze, N. Lusardi, S. Maffessanti, E. Ronconi, K. Sukharnikov, M. Turcato, M. Porro

    Study for the Upgrade of the Front-End DAQ of the DSSC Megapixel Camera for a Potential New Generation of Detectors at the European XFEL

    Proc. of the  2024 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 26 Oct – 2 Nov, 2024, Tampa, Florida, USA


      2003 S. Saggini, M. Ghioni,A. Geraci, F. Villa,
    Digital controller for DC-DC switching converters
    STMICROELECTRONICS. US application number 10/616, 691, filed Jul. 9, 2003; Publication number US 2004051510 (A1), publication date: Mar. 18, 2004; Priority number: IT2002MI01539 20020712



      2003 A. Geraci,
     “Principi di Elettronica dei Sistemi Digitali
    McGraw Hill, Italy: :88-386-6107
      2021 A. Geraci, Editor
     “Special Topics in Information Technology
    Springer International Publishing, 2021, DOI 10.1007/978-3-030-62476-7


      © Dipartimento di Elettronica e Informazione e Bioingegneria DEIB - Politecnico di Milano University Updated: 23/03/2021